Posts in Nutrition
Football, Friends & Restaurants...

Food is something that our clients continually struggle with in their fitness journey. Going to restaurants, whether it’s lunch during the workweek, for a family night out or NFL Sunday can be a big challenge.

It takes some work and awareness but it can, and will, be done!

We’re going to live life to its fullest, enjoy great times with friends and family and we’re still going to reach our goals. It’s the secret to how we’re going to stay at our goal weight, reach new goals of fitness and muscle, if we want, while not yo-yoing until we just give up.

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Best Way to Track Water Intake


Why is it so important?

Approximately 67% of our body is water. In order for it to function, we have to give it the essential ingredient: H2O. Without the proper amount our bodily systems will begin to slow and eventually fail.

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I'm About To Eat My Arm Off...

If I told you that you could lose weight and eat steaks, burgers, chips, baked potatoes with pats of butter, pancakes, chocolate and ice cream would that be cool?

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The More Things Change...

Riddle me this Batman... if the same workout program, the same diet, the same supplementation, hydration and recovery plan worked, why would you need to be bombarded with ads... 

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