The Salad Scam (Maybe the Burger Isn’t Such a Bad Choice)
“I’ll have a salad…”
Getting tricked into ordering a salad that’s almost as bad, or worse, than having the burger and fries ain’t cool bro…
We’ll show you how to eat at each of the example restaurants without killing your progress. We’re not telling you to stay away from ordering a salad at a restaurant, or from restaurants, in general, but to educate you on exactly what’s out there.
If you’re trying to stay on track while going out to eat, then you need to know how to order.
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The Road Warrior’s Diet (Keep Your Progress Intact While Traveling)
Eating on the road…
To someone trying to lose weight, there’s nothing more worrisome than the specter of an upcoming trip.
Where you go, your health goes and everything you do to either improve it or ruin it goes with you.
Any sort of travel is a normal part of life and one of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn to manage it so it doesn’t wreck your progress or convince you that losing weight and being healthy just isn’t in the cards.
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Diet Breaks, Cheat Meals and Permacutting (Sometimes the Long Way is Faster)
You don’t need us to tell you that going on a diet to lose weight is a game fraught with peril or that missteps are common. But what you may find is that taking the long way gets you to your destination faster. Best of all, it will keep you there once you reach it.
Diet breaks and cheat meals might be just the ticket to get us there.
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How to Conquer Late Night Snacking
Uncontrolled late night snacking is something we're asked about quite a bit. Everyone has faced it at one time or another and we'd be lying if we didn't admit we've run into it ourselves.
The good news is you can conquer it or, even better, turn it into something enjoyable and guilt-free!
Make a bold commitment to stop the mindless snacking and use the power of your mind along with these techniques and you can and will conquer those late night cravings.
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A Day in the Life (Of Eating…)
A day of eating…
When it comes to building a healthy lifestyle there’s probably nothing that has a more direct impact than food and the way you eat.
The gyms are full of people struggling to change their physique and there are an awful lot of folks who have a great sleep routine who have the same problem. But you can go on a strict diet without the other two and lose weight.
That’s evidence enough of its importance.
We always tell clients when they start on this journey with us, “It’ll come down to how you eat.”
Here's a typical weekday's food.
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Consistency + Simplicity = Excellence (The Weight That Comes Off Stays Off)
Consistency + Simplicity = Excellence
(The Weight That Comes Off Stays Off)
There’s nothing that brings success faster and makes it last longer than being consistent.
“It’s the little things, done repeatedly over a long period of time that add up to big results.” – Darrin Donnelly in Old School Grit.
Showing up every day and putting in the work will get you anywhere you want to go.
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Middle Age Health, American Made Strength (The Shortcut Is Not Taking the Shortcut)
Made in America…
Back in the day those three words meant something.
There was simply nothing better.
Great things are achieved through hard work. There’s no shortcut to success in anything.
Resolve to do the hard things and never be deterred and you won’t be able to see far enough behind you to catch sight of those constantly looking for a shortcut to something that can only be obtained through hard work and perseverance.
The fire gets hotter but the steel gets harder.
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It's Them Sourdough Buns...
We love sourdough bread and for years would go to Whole Paycheck Foods – oops, I mean Whole Foods – to buy their San Francisco Sourdough. I'll teach you how to feed the sourdough starter for future use and bake a fresh loaf of bread for immediate enjoyment. I make Dutch oven bread but you can do it in regular bread pans, on a stone or try anything that strikes your fancy. I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve put together and hearing what you’ve come up with.
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Stirred-Up ‘Bout Stir-Fry…
Stir-fry is an amazingly versatile meal. Any busy professional knows how difficult it is to balance career and family in this crazy world. We need foods that are quick and simple while being delicious and satisfying. All of these dishes range from pretty quick to really quick depending on how you do them.
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The Struggle Bus (A Bumpy, Bouncy Ride That Never Reaches Its Destination)
Everyone goes through times where things like work, raising a family or the day-to-day happenings that are part of being a grownup gets old but nowhere does it bother us like it does with health and fitness.
Let’s fix that. We need some strategies that will help us continue down the path we’ve set out instead of what usually happens, which is bargaining with ourselves, then blowing it off.
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The Diet That Won’t Die (The “Diet” Goes On Forever but the Weight Never Goes Down)
Permacut is a term we use to describe a diet that goes on for what seems like eternity while forever failing to produce the desired results.
Instead, let’s carefully build a lifestyle that focuses on healthy habits where we eat foods we enjoy, have a great time with family and friends, go on vacations, enjoy holidays and also learn that making mistakes with all of this is part of life.
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Why We Love You Can't Screw This Up by Adam Bornstein
We love You Can’t Screw This Up because it provides a codified and simply laid out approach to something we’ve always said is critical to your success - developing a system that’s flexible, works for you and doesn’t avoid delicious food, great times, travel and all the things that make life great.
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Jacked Up Soup...
Jacked up soup is a quick way to make a delicious soup that’s more than just dumping unflavored whey into something to boost the numbers and works a lot better when it comes to macronutrient content.
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Fetch Me a Ham Sammich...
A sandwich that’s quick and easy and a deli meat version of the famous patty melt!
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My Middle Age Is Spreading...
I don’t think anyone who’s made it this far thinks the fabled middle age spread is a secret or a myth.
Take heart because it only takes a few tweaks to change it all and you’ll get far better results than you imagined. It takes less time than you’ve been led to believe and you’ll discover eating food that’s healthy, delicious and works towards your goals is a lot easier than you think.
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Our Simply Protein Crispy Bars Review
Portable food, especially snack items, are always popular and a bar that doesn’t have the vast majority of its calories from fat is always welcome. When we saw a bar that fits those criteria and also uses a plant protein we had to give them a try to make sure we were sharing something worthy.
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Taco 'Bout Tuesday
If you’ve spent even a tiny amount of time on the phone with me during a coaching call you know Eva and I are multi-generation Texans and that it’s always Taco Tuesday at our house.
We love some Taco Tuesday and we make it work in our calories.
Here’s a quick nuts-and-bolts approach to how we do it including the meal plan with the numbers.
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I’m Tired of Eating the Same Thing All the Time…
I’m tired of eating the same thing all the time…
Actually, what you really want is a different flavor.
We’re going to take a look at how to make those easy changes that work toward your goals, provide flavor and variety that never gets old without the complexity variety causes.
When you can eat deliciously on a daily basis, getting to your goal and staying there is effortless. It makes enjoying that cheat meal or the awesome vacation you worked so hard for guilt-free.
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You Have To Change Your Lifestyle...
Always said with a perfectly straight face and deadly serious tone it’s one of the most commonly used phrases when it comes to weight loss. I’ve been guilty of it many times myself.
But what the heck is a lifestyle change?
You’re smart enough to understand if you want to lose weight, get in shape or build a physique, obviously, you’re going to need to make some changes to reach the goal. All too often, those changes are lumped into the “lifestyle change” category without much thought about what it means and what’s required.
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The Eating Season Is Upon Us...
Overeating on Thanksgiving is common. We can’t control ourselves when we see all that food. Try filling half your plate with turkey, one-quarter of it with veggies and the last quarter with starchy carbs. When it’s time for dessert, choose the dessert(s) you really want, have a sliver of each and walk away. Drink water before and after you eat and you’ll be full but not so stuffed you’re uncomfortable.
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