Posts in Recovery
Consistency + Simplicity = Excellence (The Weight That Comes Off Stays Off)

Consistency + Simplicity = Excellence

(The Weight That Comes Off Stays Off)

There’s nothing that brings success faster and makes it last longer than being consistent.

“It’s the little things, done repeatedly over a long period of time that add up to big results.” – Darrin Donnelly in Old School Grit.

Showing up every day and putting in the work will get you anywhere you want to go.

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Middle Age Health, American Made Strength (The Shortcut Is Not Taking the Shortcut)

Made in America…

Back in the day those three words meant something.

There was simply nothing better.

Great things are achieved through hard work. There’s no shortcut to success in anything.

Resolve to do the hard things and never be deterred and you won’t be able to see far enough behind you to catch sight of those constantly looking for a shortcut to something that can only be obtained through hard work and perseverance.

The fire gets hotter but the steel gets harder.

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The Diet That Won’t Die (The “Diet” Goes On Forever but the Weight Never Goes Down)

Permacut is a term we use to describe a diet that goes on for what seems like eternity while forever failing to produce the desired results.

Instead, let’s carefully build a lifestyle that focuses on healthy habits where we eat foods we enjoy, have a great time with family and friends, go on vacations, enjoy holidays and also learn that making mistakes with all of this is part of life.

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Why We Love You Can't Screw This Up by Adam Bornstein

We love You Can’t Screw This Up because it provides a codified and simply laid out approach to something we’ve always said is critical to your success - developing a system that’s flexible, works for you and doesn’t avoid delicious food, great times, travel and all the things that make life great.

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I'll Sleep When I'm Dead...

If you’re trying to lose weight, making sure you’re getting adequate sleep is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lower stress, control your appetite and keep the hormones controlling hunger and satiety on an even keel. It’s easy to do, doesn’t require anything more than planning and discipline and has positive effects on so many areas of your life.

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